Basic Striking in MMA

Krav Maga uses a mixture of martial arts as its basis for striking, movment and self defence. As Bruce Lee said, “a punch is a punch a kick is a kick”. It doesn’t matter which system that punch comes from, in fact you will find that many many systems all use the same punch, the same kick, the same kimura or double wrist lock. That doesn’t mean that all systems are created equally though for example some martial arts train for aesthetics or as a way to get out and meet new people…but for those who are serious about training for real world self defence: Krav Maga is rated amongst the best.

In this video, British UFC Champion Michael Bisping takes you through some basic striking techniques including how to perform a double tie clinch.

Good solid basics such as these should be a staple part of your training diet. If you combine solid striking, clinch and takedown game alongside street specific self defence and tactics you will do well! Don’t forget to eat well and do your homework and you will have a good set of skills and a healthy body and mind.

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